A New Year reflection. A mild resolution. Some thoughtful planning? Making a list! I’m going to put down what I’d like to include in my diet this year. A renewed focus.

BEANS - black turtle, garbanzo, pinto, cannellini, kidney, cranberry, lentil

GRAINS - farro, barley, quinoa, millet, wild rice, brown rice

LEAFY GREENS - kale, collards, escarole, chicory, dandelion, radicchio, endive

VEGETABLES - asparagus, beets, turnips, parsnips, celery & celery root, cabbage, broccoli, broccoli rabé & broccolini, cauliflower & caulilini

CITRUS - lime, lemon, grapefruit, navel, manderine, Valencia, pomelo, blood orange, cara cara

SEAFOOD - salmon, cod, halibut, bronzino, tuna, sole & sword, scallops & shrimp

HERBS & SPICES - parsley, thyme, oregano, cilantro, ginger, garlic, turmeric, sage, rosemary

Variety is a life spiced. Something like that. I’m trying to focus on mixing it up. Casting a broad net. Adding ingredients to fuel my motor. Something to think about. Contemplate. Part 2 next week.
